
I want to have one.

Ha.  No but seriously, I at least want to know what direction I want to head in.

In college I studied Business and Marketing but even then I still didn’t have a clue.  I chose the Business school thinking it’s a safe route for the undecided.  Then I chose Marketing, thinking it was the most interesting of the business majors.  But after graduating I had no idea where to take my degree.

Eventually I took a job as an office manager at an architectural firm in NYC.  It was fun and new at first but eventually I grew tired of it.

In May of 2009 I found myself boarding a plane to  South Korea.  A bit impulsively I took a job at a Korean middle school to teach English.  I thought it would be a good experience and give me the opportunity to go back to the country where I was born.  Now it’s 2012 and I’m still at the same school.  But the thing is, I don’t want to teach anymore.  And I don’t want to deal with middle-school attitudes anymore.  This gig is up!

So I’ve had 2 “real” jobs after college however both have led me to dead ends.

I’m actually really lazy so in my dream world, I would have no job.  But in this real world I need a job.  But I don’t even know what field I’d like to work in or what career path to follow.  So for now, I’m searching for not just a career but for something I’m really passionate about.

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